Natasha Latreille
Natasha Latreille is Chair of the Isaruit Inuit Arts: Pijunarnivut Board of Directors. First elected as Chair of the Board at the AGM in January 2021 Natasha brings to Isaruit fifteen years experience as the Office Administrator and Project Coordinator of the Canadian contingent of the Inuit Cirumpolar Council, during which time she travelled throughout the Circumpolar world in the capacity of advocating for Inuit globally. Having worked in number of administrative positions in retail in the South, Natasha presently works as a Logistician for Nasittuq Corporation, Nunavut. Natasha was raised in her mother’s home town of Iqaluit presently lives and works in Carleton Place with her family. Natasha is committed to making Isaruit Inuit Arts a national force representing and supporting Inuit artists.

Ruben Komangapik
Ruben Komangapik was born and raised in the Mittimatalik area of Qikiqtaaluk Region of Nunavut. Going out on the land was major family activity as Ruben was brought up by his grandparents. Ruben’s hunting and Inuit creating skills were fostered from an early age. Although school was not his thing, Ruben managed to begin working for Nunavut Arctic College in Iqaluit in his early 20s as a jewelry making instructor. This became the leading edge for Ruben to take on a wide variety of Inuit sculpture installation projects across Canada, and to become widely known internationally for his mastery of multi media creations grounded in Inuit culture, spanning film, sculpture, music and any materials that come to hand. Recently Ruben and a partner have started Reconseal Inuksiuti, a cross-cultural sealing project designed to bring both seal meat and skin products to Inuit living in the South. Ruben joined Isaruit Inuit Arts Board in January, 2022. He presently lives with his family in Ottawa.

Billy Merkosak
Cultural Advisor to the Board
Billy Merkosak was born and raised by his grandparents in Mitimatalik, Qikiqtaaluk Region of Nunavut. Travelling extensively on the land as a child, Billy developed excellent land skills and Inuit cultural skills at an early age, and managed to graduate from Grade 10 as well. Billy began drawing and sculpting bone, stone and ivory at an early age, and has become a prolific and experienced Inuit artist whose works are well known and sought after both nationally and internationally. Billy’s passion is to support the development of Inuit creators. As a former Board member of NACCA, Billy eagerly works with Isaruit Inuit Arts Board of Directors, helping to bring forward the challenges and the needs of Inuit artists living in the North. Billy continues to live and work in Mitimatalik with his family, when he is not out on the land fishing or hunting, or away participating in meetings of the various Nunavut committees he is invited to attend.

Jessie Kangok
Communications Advisor to the Board
Jessie Kangok is an Inuk born and raised in Igloolik Nunavut. When she was 16, Jessie moved to Ottawa with her family. Since moving to Ottawa, Jessie has been involved as an active member of the Ottawa Inuit Community, working in various roles with Tungasugvvigat Inuit and the Inuuqatigiit. Jessie is a mother of three teenage children, and is currently a stay at home mother. As the founder of Uqallagvik, the Inuit radio station in Ottawa, Jessie continues to work part time as a Radio Host and Producer for the Ottawa Uqallagvik CKCU 93.1 F.M. that broadcasts for an hour every Wednesday at noon. Jessie enjoys being connected with her Inuit community here in Ottawa and watching her children learn their Inuit Culture and Language. Although she thought she would lose her identity when she moved to the big city of Ottawa as a teenager, Jessie is committed to letting other Inuit know that they can find a comfortable place to be in Ottawa, where an Inuk can find the same community feeling she felt growing up in her home community of Igloolik, by being connected with other Inuit living here in the city of Ottawa. Jessie continues to advocate firmly and productively for the support of the Inuit Community of Ottawa since joining the Board of Directors of Isaruit Inuit Arts in August, 2021.

Jenny Soucie
Treasurer of Isaruit Inuit Arts
Jenny was born and raised in Iqaluit, Nunavut, with her Mom and Dad, Rebecca Arnaviapik Soucie and Brian Soucie. After finishing Grade 12 at Inuksuk High School in Iqaluit, Jenny moved south to enroll in Nunavut Sivuniksavut program for one year. The program inspired her to delve deeper into Inuit history, culture, language, social issues and politics. This journey has led Jenny to work in a variety of administrative positions with the GN in Iqaluit as well as with Inuit organizations in both Iqaluit and Ottawa. One of her favorite positions was with Uumati Perinatal Education Program in Iqaluit. Jenny is presently working on a Bookkeeping diploma at Algonquin College, and has been supporting Isaruit as a Finance Assistant for the past year. Jenny is looking forward to learning more about fiscal responsibilities and financial wellness within non-profit organizations, as she takes up the key role of Treasurer of Isaruit’s Board of Directors.

Akumalik Tikivik
Recording Secretary of the Board
Akoomalik Tikivik grew up in Kimmirut, Nunavut, and lived there until about 2009, when she moved to Iqaluit where she worked for the Department of Justice and the Office of the Public Trustee in the Nunavut Government. In 2017, Akoomalik moved south to Ottawa to take up a position at Tungasuvvingat Inuit. Working as a systems Navigator at TI, Akoomalik helps Inuit who come to the South for medical reasons. Akumalik enjoys spending time with her son and taking part in various activities around the city, including both Inuit activities and activities for the general public in Ottawa. She also loves cooking and baking for her family and for others. “ I love the fact that Isaruit is open to Inuit to do sewing and beading, and other crafts, and to create things in the shop.” She is committed to helping other Ottawa Inuit take advantage of the cultural activities at Isaruit.

Donovan Gordon-Tootoo
Youth Representative to the Board
Donovan Gordon-Tootoo is a youth originally from Rankin Inlet. Donovan was raised in Rankin Inlet , going to school during the winter, and going boating and camping on the land for the summers with his father and extended family. Boating and fishing continue to be Donovan’s favorite activities. After attending Nunavut Sivuniksavut in Ottawa for two years after graduating from high school, Donovan entered Carleton University in an Indigenous Enriched Support Program, and transferred to a Bachelor of Arts Program threre within a year. Donovan was then accepted into an internship with the Inuit Youth Leadership Program for a summer at Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and became employed full time as a Policy Analyst there soon after. Donovan enjoys living in Ottawa, particularly as he becomes more integrated into the Ottawa Inuit Community. He finds that visiting Isaruit keeps him connected with the richness of Inuit community and keeps him grounded in his Inuk identity. Being with Isaruit also helps him find his voice to advocate on behalf of Inuit, in culture, education, government policies, the arts and etectera. Donovan particularly enjoys drumming, Inuit games and creating Inuit tools and art, and finds these activities life-giving.