In the News…
Isaruit is under renovation!
From Sept 9th to the beginning of October, an electrical upfit is happening at Isaruit’s shops! Jumec, a company from Gatineau is installing adequate and appropriate electrical circuits and outlets in order for Isaruit’s new space to be a safe and fully functional.
Isaruit’s Summer Hours
July 1-16: The office will be open, but the shops will be closed to the public. Starting July 16: The office and shops will resume regular hours. Sessions: Tuesdays and Thursdays. Shop Open Hours: Daily from noon to 5:00 pm. Note: No Friday Drop-Ins on July 5th and...
Click to download our creators' handbook
Click to download our brochure
Connections & Discussions with Elders
Every Tuesday afternoon 1pm - 3pm listen in on elders discussing (in Inuktitut) various topics that impact Inuit artists. Hosted by Ben Illauq, Isaruit's Shop Programs Coordinator, anyone who understands Inuktitut is invited to join in this Zoom platform session.
Send an email to to register and receive the Zoom link.

Orange Shirt Day
View Powerpoint presentation
We Work Together!
Komangapik is the artist behind the two newest Canadian Premier League awards, The Walrus for the CPL’s Defender of the Year, and The Muskox, for the league’s Players’ Player of the year.
Do you have questions about how to set up your Facebook or Online arts business properly?
Isaruit Arts for Life, Inuit Elders' Consultation
June 28, 2023
Qulliliriniq - Working with Qulliqs - Traditional Inuit Seal Oil Lamps

Urpingasak – Spring 2023 Activities
Check out what we did!

Aujangutillugu – Summer 2023 Activities
Check out what we did!
Current Events
Inuit Artists' Meet and Mentor Conference
Wednesday & Thursday Sept 22-23, 9:30 am - 3:00 pm. Register by email: to attend virtually by Zoom.
Isaruit Showcase and Website Launch
4:30 - 7:00 pm, Thursday, September 23, at Room #206, 815 St. Laurent Blvd. Please make reservations to attend, either in person or virtually by Zoom. Email
Employment Opportunities
Office Assistant
Interviews – November 28th, 2024
35 hours per week, 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
For more information or to apply, call or text Beverly Illauq at 613 298 6209

Volunteer Opportunities
For Inuit in Ottawa, ISARUIT is a place of welcome where things are done in an Inuit way…sewing, crafts, designing, eating & talking together
About 3000 Inuit in Ottawa, sewing and creating
Inuit women, men and youths in the Ottawa area, from all areas of Inuit Nunanga in Canada