Artist’s Legal Name: Susie Sarah Eve Etok Ketler
Also known as: Susie
Artist lives in: Kemptville, ON
Community artist is from: Kangiqsualujjuaq, QC
Categories of art practiced: Mitt Making; Slipper Making; Parka Making; Crochet Hats; Knit Duffel Socks; Knitting Hats
Preferred materials & subjects: Sewing Mitts; Slippers; Leather; Sealskin
Year of Birth: 1946
Artist’s background: Susie grew up in Kangiqsualujjuaq. She loved to play outside and explore the land when she was growing up. Her grandmother and grandfather taught her how to sew her own clothes. As a young bride in the early 70’s she moved to Ontario where she and her husband farmed beefalo and vegetable gardens. Even though she lived in the south, Susie continued to make her daughter’s clothes and clothing for others using traditional patterns and materials. Susie is presently a sewing instructor for Isaruit. She wants to keep her Inuit cultural alive by sewing, knitting and crochet. It’s hard for her to get caribou skin so she mostly works with leather and sometimes sealskin.
Notes/ Comments: I’m just doing what I like to do, something to do.
Gallery holdings of artist’s work, or their relatives’ work: Her Mother has a Caribou Skin Amauti in a gallery in Montreal.