From Sept 9th to the beginning of October, an electrical upfit is happening at Isaruit’s shops! Jumec, a company from Gatineau is installing adequate and appropriate electrical circuits and outlets in order for Isaruit’s new space to be a safe and fully functional.
At the end of April, Isaruit moved into its new “basement suites” at 815 St. Laurent Blvd. This month, Room #314, the Workshop will have new lighting and 14 safety outlets in stalled for tools. Room #302, the Sewing room will have outlets installed that will remove the need for extension cords. In room #310, the kitchen electrical system will be upgraded to allow staff to prepare Drop In meals on site, and to be able to serve coffee without blowing a circuit!

Isaruit Schedule for September to early October:
Drop Ins:
Friday, Sept 20th—no Drop In.
Friday, Sept 27th and all weeks following, Drop In from 1 p.m.—3 p.m., as usual
Shop will be under construction from Sept 16—October Sept 18th.
No shop access Sept 19, 20th.
From Tuesday, Sept 24—October 18th Isaruit’s OUTDOOR WORKSHOP will be in operation in the former tennis courts at the back of 815 St. Laurent Blvd. The outdoor shop space will be put up each morning at 11:00 and taken down at the end of each day.
The Sewing Room is open Thursday, Sept 19th. but it will be under construction until Sept 27th From Sept 23—Sept 27th, sewing will be in room #300. Two machines will be operational, and the main activity will be beading.
We are looking for people interested in being paid for beading work for next week, Sept 23—27th. Call or email Janice Ulayou if you are interested: 613 302 6856 or