Photo of Saimaiyuk Akesuk
Saimaiyuk Akesuk
Cape Dorset, NU

Artist’s Legal Name: Saimaiyuk Akesuk

Artist Lives In: Cape Dorset, NU

Community artist is from: Cape Dorset, NU

Categories of art practiced: Drawing in Pencil/Ink; Drawing with Pencil Crayons; Markers; Painting in Acrylics/Oil Pastels 

Preferred materials & subjects: Oil Pastels & Pencils

Year of Birth: 1986 

Artist Background:

Saimaiyuk is from the community of Cape Dorset. She loved to go camping right when summer break started until right before school was back on like a lot of families do in the Nunavut. Saimaiyuk remembers watching her grandfather draw when she was growing up. People in her community tell her that her drawings are similar to her grandfather’s drawings which she finds so inspiring to hear. Saimaiyuk finds drawing to be a stress reliever and that she relaxes when she draws. 


“Always believe in yourself. No matter what, there’s always going to be criticism. Don’t take it into your heart. We’re all capable of doing something. Some of us may think we’re not good enough but we all have talent, no matter who you are. You just have to believe in yourself.”

Get in touch with Saimaiyuk Akesuk