Parsha Apak
Clyde River, NU

Artist’s Legal Name: Parsha Apak

Also Known As: Qamaniq

Artist Lives In: Ottawa, ON

Community artist is from: Clyde River, NU

Categories of art practiced: Amauti Making; Parka Making; Mitt Making; Crochet Hats; Baby Hats & Crochet Baby Blankets

Preferred materials & subjects:  Amauti and Baby Hats

Year of Birth: 1980

Artist Background:

Parsha grew up in the small community of Clyde River with her adopted mom and learned the basics of sewing at a young age. As a child she spent a lot of time on the land and when she was growing up she learned about working with animal skins of all kinds.  Parsha now lives in Ottawa with her family and her grandchildren and knows the value of traditional of sewing. She now makes beautiful amauti’s, parka’s and mitts, and has begun teaching young people how to sew. She has also been able  to share some new crochet patterns with people attending Isaruit drop in sewing sessions.

Artist’s Involvement with Traditional Inuit culture: Sewing & Inuktitut Language


“Learn to make things, it’s fun.”

Get in touch with Parsha Apak