Artist’s Legal Name: Kevin Kautainnuk Harper
Artist lives in: Ottawa, ON
Community artist is from: Arctic Bay, NU
Categories of art practiced: Graphic Drawing in Color/Pencil/Colored Pencils/Crayons/Markers; Painting in Acrylics
Preferred materials & subjects: Mixed Media Collage; Crayons/Pen/Pencils/Markers
Year of Birth: 1981
Artist’s background:
Kevin is from the community of Arctic Bay. He loved to go camping and hunting when he was growing up and listen to the stories of Inuit culture. Kevin began to really get into drawing at a young age and is now passionate about designing modern Inuit art through his drawings and paintings. He is now living in Ontario, continuing his amazing work.
Notes/ Comments:
“I encourage other Inuit artist to stay focused. Try different mediums and explore other artistic endeavors.”
Links to works:
In the Isaruit Website Gallery:
Artist’s contact information: