Jessica Fortier
Iqaluit, NU

Artist’s Legal Name: Jessica Fortier

Artist Lives In: Lyndsay, ON

Community artist is from: Iqaluit, NU

Categories of art practiced: Beading as Jewelry

Preferred Materials & Subjects: Sealskin; Deer hide; and Beads for Necklaces and Earrings

Year of Birth: 1994

Artist Background:

Jessica is from the community of Iqaluit. She learned the basics of beading when she was shadowing her instructor in college. When she finished school, Jessica started designing her own beaded jewelry for her family and friends. She likes to use traditional Inuit animal skins and other animal hides to make her earrings and necklaces. Jessica lives in another province now and making her beaded jewelry gives her a sense of still being connected to her own culture. She is becoming well known as a jewelry artist and has had good feedback about her jewelry from people all over Canada.  


“Keep creating and keep learning. Creating is a journey, don’t be afraid of asking for guidance when you get stuck.”

Get in touch with Jessica Fortier